Fable started the topic Falgrim Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 8 months ago
The Falgrim race is one born of the Grimlords and are darklings that strive to vanquish the forces of good in Hon’Raa. These beast-like creatures are cunning. They dwell in the dark places of Hon’Raa raiding elvish and U’maran villages on a regular basis. Their skin is tough and their claws and fangs are sharp. They are known to devour the…[Read more]
I can relate – smirks
you poor thing….you have a massive scar on your head?
as long as the most important one is in good functioning order – smirks.
Fable started the topic Fatal Seduction in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 8 months ago
The Fatal Seduction storyline is set with an elvish princess who is given to the Falgrim Overlord to appease them in hopes of curbing their attacks on elf-kind. The princess, however, has different plans and after she is bred, beheads the falgrim overlord and escapes to raise the child in the wilds. Her daughter is born as elf-kind but has m…[Read more]
Perverted – snickers
if perversion means “Deviating from what is considered right and correct,” i am not sure how an elf being fucked by a Falgrim Overlord can be considered not right and/or incorrect. That Falgrim is the King and he can do as he pleases so everything is in bounds making it not perverted. Whoa! I got really technical there.
Rulers of worlds decide what is normal or correct. What I see is a beast fucking what appears to be human like qualities – smiles. Didn’t say it wasn’t good. I like perversion – continues to smile.
The conjurer reaps the spoils.
You may like to try to make those outer pussy lips protrude outward a little more and have them wrap tightly around that cock like its wanting to suck it dry would be so more erotic.
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Alladra in the forum Character Development 2 years, 8 months ago
Another image of Alladra. I worked on her face a bit.
Fable replied to the topic Syndra, Queen of the Asp'aan Elves in the forum Character Development 2 years, 8 months ago
Another image of Syndra.
Fable started the topic Syndra, Queen of the Asp'aan Elves in the forum Character Development 2 years, 8 months ago
Syndra is D’uala elf meaning she has both male and female attributes. She is the Queen of all Asp’aa. She is also a priestess of Atlan, the greatest god. Her zeal for her faith and her belief that D’ualan Asp’aan weremade in the image of the gods has led them to revolt against the Ond’aans in a vicious and bloody civil war. Syndra, has bec…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Elbereth of Asp'aa in the forum Character Development 2 years, 8 months ago
Another image of Elbereth with her hair up
Fable started the topic Elbereth of Asp'aa in the forum Character Development 2 years, 8 months ago
Elbereth of Asp’aa
Fable started the topic Asp'aan Elves in the forum Race Development 2 years, 8 months ago
The above is an Asp’aan Ranger. Asp’aans are a female dominated society where many of the elves have both male and female attributes and are knowns as D’ualla. They believe their duality makes them more like the gods they worship. Asp’aans are currently warring with Ond’aans because of this distinction. Those Asp’aans who are D’ualla are con…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Vignette: The Ritual in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable started the topic The Grim in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The Grim Race is not just one type of creature, but instead they are several creatures that make up the darklings of H0n’Raa. They are controlled by dark magic and the Grimlords. The above is a first concept and not at all final. This creature is a standard DAZ creature anyone can download. I will take this creature and morph it into som…[Read more]
Fable wrote a new post 2 years, 9 months ago
All chapters on Hon’Raa will be posted here. Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Stopping today at pg 100 just to have something to look forward to. Awesome story so far and great art. Love the requirements of the magic spell!
Wow awesome! Going to sit back and take my time reading this!
Is there any other way to read those ? The thing is lagging like hell on my computer and it’s pretty painful to go through them
Try going into the link included and going to each chapter 1-by-1. I have never had an issue on multiple computers getting them to load. There are a lot of images in each chapter, so the system is rtying to load the whole book. If you open the one’s associated with the link, then I would say to give your system a couple minutes to load the chapter before starting to read it.
looking forward to chapter 4!
Fable wrote a new post 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable started the topic Abrielle in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Abrielle is a Droll. She is a supporting character in the Hon’Raa story. Droll in general are desired for their magical essence and hunted my the dark forces to harvest their essence. Once depleted of their essence, Droll are used as slaves by the Grimlords.
Fable started the topic Naria in Asgan Suut in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 9 months ago
There are rumors that a heartstone is somewhere in the ruins of Asgan Suut, the ancient seat of the last empire of Hon’Raa. Forces of both good and evil are seeking them. Arbane wants them to open a portal to the dark plains and summon all her forces to vanquish the good in Hon’Raa and defeat the gods who exiled her in Hon’Raa. Naria, a her…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Naria in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable replied to the topic Droll Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
I am rethinking how the Droll will be used in the story of Hon’Raa. Originally the Droll were a race unto themselves, but then I changed it so that any being whose magic was absorbed would turn into a Droll. I am back at the beginning. I believe I can use them as I was planning on it. The above is an example of a Droll
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Alladra in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable started the topic The Grim in the forum Creature Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The Grim are a group of creatures controlled by the Grimlords in Hon’Raa. Their will is bound to the dark magic in the world. Though the Grimlords have dominion over men and elves in some places, all of the dark creatures in Hon’Raa can be summoned to fight for their cause. The term Grim is synonymous with the term dire, e.g. Dire Wolf. The…[Read more]
Fable started the topic Terrible Dragons in the forum World Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The few remaining dragons in Hon’Raa are remnants of a forgotten age. Many protect cache’s of heartstones, which hold to the soul of each dragon after they fall. Few of the dragons are good or bad, but instead fight for their own survival as Arbane and her minions work to gather the heartstones to use their magi to open the portal to Ephaeria.
Fable started the topic Asp'aa & Ond'aa in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 9 months ago
In the beginning of our story of Hon’Raa, we find a world descending from a world of peace to one of chaos and violence. Dark forces lurk everywhere and the Kingdoms that had once untied to defeat Arbane and her forces in Hon’Raa now begin to falter and fight. The Kingdom of Ond’aa once held a vast portion of the eastern continent, but with t…[Read more]
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