Fable started the topic Elessar Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The Elessar are elves that inhabit Hon’Raa. They are much like the Aspaan and Ondaan elves except that they were the only race created by Atlan and Arbane. The Elessar’s sole purpose is to destroy Arbane and his dark creation, the Falgrine. Arbane knows this and stops at nothing to hunt them down and harvest their Mae’traa or magic. Be…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Alladra in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable started the topic U'baan Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The Ub’aan race has already gone through a few iterations, but I like how this concept piece turned out
Fable replied to the topic Droll Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Maybe the last one of this character in this setting.
Fable replied to the topic Droll Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
This is concept sketch #2 of the Droll Race, though this character may also be used as a type of elf in the world of Hon’Raa.
Fable replied to the topic Vignette: The Ritual in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Here is another image concept from The Ritual. I like how this image turned out. I have never been one for the perfect render. I am drawn to the post-work process and making the art look somewhat dirty and raw.
Fable started the topic Vignette: The Ritual in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 9 months ago
One of the methods I will use to convey the story of Hon’Raa is to present it in the form of vignettes. Ritual will be a short tale about a right of passage for an elf where she has to enter ruins and challenge a beast. Her own protection is a bone dagger. Once the ritual is complete and she is successful will she meet the elf mother who wi…[Read more]
Fable changed their profile picture 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable posted an update 2 years, 9 months ago
I have been messing with several stories across a couple platforms for some time. Pax Nebula, Hon’Raa and other short stories. Nothing ever seems to find its way into publication. I am realizing that it has been because I am not as effective at managing my own creative projects as I manage the real life projects I find myself assigned at work.…[Read more]
Fable's profile was updated 2 years, 12 months ago
Fable started the topic Character Development: Alladra in the forum Character Development 3 years ago
Alladra is a main character in the Hon’Ra universe. She is one of the Esellars and is divine. She is Arbane’s sister and was sent by the god Atlan to work against Arbane in Hon’Ra to stop her sinister plan. -
Fable started the topic Site in Beta in the forum General Forum 3 years ago
Currently this site is in beta, and to save a lot of time I added demo content to get the look the way I wanted. As I work on the site there will be less and less of the demo content and more of my content available.