
  • Cedril

    Cedril of Henn is the leader of the largest faction in Hon’Raa.  Cedric is a humaran who loathes the elves, but isn’t much fonder of the other kingdoms ruled by men in Hon’Raa.  The Henn Empire recently waged war against both the old Tamish Kingdom to their north and the Jutelands off the east coast of Henn.  Both Kingdoms fell to the Henn.  Ced…[Read more]

  • Ubaan in Nal'Maatra

    The Ub’aan mostly inhabit the area between Nal and Epra.  The first chapter has an Ub’aan thief infiltrating the Nal capital of Nal’Maatra where she is tasked with stealing one of the few known heartstones in all of Hon’Raa.  Her quest takes her into the Regent Mage’s chamber s where she casts an spell to open the portax where the stone is h…[Read more]

  • Lera, Queen of Ond'aa

    This is a first sketch of Lera, the current queen of Ond’aa.  The Ond’aans and Asp’aans are currently at war.  Tharn of Tem has provided support to the Ond’aans and he is romantically connected to Lera.

  • Fable started the topic Nier 2B in the forum Miscellaneous Art 2 years, 9 months ago

    Nier 2B

    I am a big fan of the heroine in any story and Bier Automata’s 2B is one of my all time favs.  I made this to show a little respect to the beautiful android I love.

  • Fable replied to the topic Tropico in the forum Miscellaneous Art 2 years, 9 months ago

    She is more a proof-of-concept as I develop a look and feel I can reproduce across all of my art.  Not only are her boobs not correct one of hr fingers is clipping into her leg and a finger on the other hand is not touching her head.  She is a wreck but a test just the same.

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  • Elves of Hon'Raa

    Elves represent one of the largest races in Hom’Raa.  There both serve good and bad, and make up 4 of the 7 Kingdoms that still hold power in Hon’Raa.  Many elves live among humarans in place like Epra and Tem.  They loath and are loathed by the Jutes and are not fond of the Nal.  There are 3 sub-groups of elves in Hon’Raa: Vas, Asp, and Ondan…[Read more]

  • Bryn'Ra Sketch

  • Bryn'Ra Grimlord Sketch

    Bryn’Ra is a Grimlord and also known as the Witch of the Woods.  She inhabits the woods near Axbrid and conjures great evil there.  The Kingdom of Tem has tried to destroy her several times but to no avail, thinking she is just some necromancer of the dark arts.  A Grimlord is a fallen diety.  SHe is responsible for Elsbeth of Tem’s dis…[Read more]

  • Grimlord.Sketch #2

    I am super happy with how this turned out and what I am realizing about the process I use to get a consistent look and feel.  Sometimes it trial and error because lighting plays a key roll in how it turns out and just as when I started using DAZ – lighting is still a bit of a mystery to me. This is the look I am going for and I am definitely…[Read more]

  • Fable started the topic Tropico in the forum Miscellaneous Art 2 years, 9 months ago


    In a previous endeavor, I created a spread called Tropico.  I may add some of this images here in the style I have developed.  The previous style was really just a straight render with a little bit of post-work.  I realized everyone does that so over the last three years I developed the look above.  I love going from a render to a more ill…[Read more]

  • Fable replied to the topic Droll Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago

    As I have worked on Hon’Raa, I continued to develop the idea around the Droll and in my original concepts there were beings who had their magical essence extracted and now they are reduced to a shriveled existence.  They are used as slaves by the Grimlords until they are worked to death.  I will update this topic with a first concept sketch in t…[Read more]

  • Grimlord.Concept Sketch

    There are three Grimlords in Hon’Raa.  This is my first take on one of them.  I am not crazy about this first concept sketch but I wanted to start conceptualizing them.  She is unnamed as of now.

  • Well yeah. Some people are just bad.  As the story progresses you’ll discover more about why he is behaving so badly.

  • Fable replied to the topic U'baan Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago


    I have wrestled with what the U’baan look like and it may be that this is the final look for them.  I like the hooves and may tinker with horns for some while other have none.

  • Dobie Fisher ran along the overgrown road, trying to keep his balance on its pitted, uneven surface. His breathing was labored as his portly frame conspired with the panic that compelled him down the path. Sweat gushed from his whole body, changing his clothes to their darkest hue. Dobie’s blood mixed with sweat as it beaded across his…[Read more]

  • Thorn

    Despite his prickly name, Thorn is actually not the major antagonist in the Hon’Raa Saga.  He does, however, prove to be his namesake in several other ways.  To use the cliche that he is the Thorn in the sides of several other characters is a little cheesy, but true just the same.  Thorn is not happy with his lot in life, but his more apt to be…[Read more]

  • Thurn of Stagbrook

    Thurn is one of three triplet brothers who rule the three fifes of Tem.  The main city of his fife is Stagbrook.  Thurn is more ambitious than is other brothers in regards to being named king of Tem.  He is less convinced his sister, Elsbeth, is alive and wants to move past her demise.  He is open to trade with anyone and dark influences are abu…[Read more]

  • Fable wrote a new post 2 years, 9 months ago

    As I venture deeper into the story of Hon’Raa, I am met with the challenges of creating a compelling story that remains true to both its fantasy elements and that of erotica. Certainly fantastical worlds are […]

    • If what’s written is sold to the reader as erotic, then personally it needs to give me an erection for me to give in a 5 star rating. I like it to be explicit and quickly get to the interaction. I guess that’s typical coming from a guy – smirks.

      That said, the best erotic I’ve read is when I didn’t know it had erotic in it. I guess a better understanding of the story and its characters made it so.

      • Men are definitely more visual and I get that drawing a scene out can actually turn people off. The balance between tension and pay-off can be tricky and I think most things intended to be erotic fall short

  • Syvis

    There is no overestimating how bad Syvis and her sister are at the start of the story.  She is wicked though not potentially unredeemable.  She does love her sister and that love can sometimes make a being change their perceptions when it is taken away.

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