Honing In On My Style

For an artist, developing a style that can be attributed to their work is as important, if not more, than the signature they place on their work. Ultimately, an artist wants the audience to look at something and immediately know that it is their work. This asks a lot. The artist has to be well known to some degree and that is never easy, and their style has to be unique enough that it immediately brings the artist to mind because it is so unique.

fables forge

Anyone who has every taken an artist history course knows that it isn’t tough to pick out a work by Van Gogh when it is compared to Rembrandt. Their style permeates the work and once it has been honed by the artist they will more than likely continue to work within that style for a long, long time, though it may evolve as they perfect it.

My early work was shit to be frank, but that was because I did not know what the hell I was doing and honestly my computer was a poor, old dog. Just getting a render well-lit was a challenge and like with most things – I learned less is more. It is almost always true. Over the past 4 years, I have slowly dialed in a style that I have become very proud of. Is it the best thing ever? My god no, but it is it uniquely mine – 100% yes! And, that makes me happy and proud.

I know that it catches the eye of some people because I am asked at least once a month to share how I create it, which I usually only hint at. Rather than swelling my ego, these requests just give me validation that I am doing something some people out there appreciate. I am not so naïve to believe that my art is for everyone. It is not a perfect render, with perfect lines and crystal clear pixels as I think most people feel rendered work should be. No, my art attempts to speak to the past with what I call a retro-erotic style that pays homage to comics of old and the

Neri Psychedelic

highly stylized illustrations from the past that were found on everything from movie posters to travel advertisements. I am influenced by artists like Frank Franzetta, Boris Vallejo, and Lorenzo Sperlonga who revolutionized fantasy art with buxom ladies and all sorts of badies. It is their amazing talent that I work to achieve for myself which I am aware I may not reach.

As I continue onward with my art, I would like to see it continually improve from start to finish because a good render means that the post-work becomes easier and better results are achieved. Will I still fail? Absolutely. I have so many works never published because a finger is cropping, the lighting is just wrong, or the model’s expression is a total miss, but it never stops me from continuing to be better. This is my passion and I will continue to hone my style and my skill until time makes that impossible.

2 thoughts on “Honing In On My Style

  • razukun

    I just gotta say, i love Neri and love your style. Personally, your art is rather unique, IMO. Keep it Up!

  • Mark

    I certainly agree. Fable’s style is retro-cool, sexy and distinctive! I was easily able to find the Deviant Art page because your work stands out and is recognizable.

    Great Work!

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