Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Syvis in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable started the topic Betrayal & Intrigue in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Every good story needs twist and turns, as well as, betrayal and intrigue. One reason, I made 3 of the major characters triplets is because one could pretend to be the other. In this case, Thurn can pretend to be Tharn. It is a bit cliche’d but only Galdermung catches on when he realizes his old friend is only using his left hand and Tharn wa…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Elsbeth in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
After Elsbeth is rescued by Galdermung and his troop of men, they soon realize that she is not the same. She has been embued with a dragon soul and though the seer is able to help her control the beast within she is being tortured by the beast. The dragon does not like being caged and as the story unfolds we learn that Elsbeth has come to like t…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Elsbeth in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable started the topic Character Development: Elsbeth in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Elsbeth is the rightful heir to the Kingdom of Tem. She starts the story of Hon’Raa as missing/lost in the Witches Woods south of Axbrid. For most, she is presumed dead, but on her return she is to take her spot as the Queen of Tem and her brothers, Tharn, Thurn and Thorn are to surrender their fifedoms back to her to rule – as her father h…[Read more]
Fable started the topic Character Development: Galdermung in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Gadermung is an important character and one I have had in mind for a few years now. I devised the whole concept of Hon’Raa around this character and he was originally suppose to be written into the world of Skyrim by Bethesda Games. Galdermung will play a central role in the Tem Arc of the Hon’Raa story. He has a history with Tharn and se…[Read more]
Fable started the topic Place Development: The Brothel in the forum Storyline Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The brothel is an important meeting place in Hon’Raa. Not only is a den of sensual delights but it can also be used to move a story along.
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Naria in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Fable started the topic Character Development: Tharn in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Tharn is one of three triplet brothers that rule in the old kingdom of Tem. He is human and of the three the most righteous and good.
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Naria in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Here is another of Naria
Fable started the topic Jute Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The Jute
The Jute are one of the other human races in the world of Hon’Raa. Soon after Arbane escaped his imprisonment, he set out to conquer the peoples of Hon’Raa. The Jute were one of the first kingdoms to fall to Arbane and his followers. Arbane loathes the Jute for they have a little magical essence and he/she can not harvest Ma…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Character Development: Naria in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Here is another concept sketch of Naria. She will definitely have skills with the blade but she also as an inner ability to evoke magic in the form of a beast-like creature…mainly just fangs and claws. Still a WIP.
Fable replied to the topic Site in Beta in the forum General Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Most of the original test content has been removed from the site, however, it will remain in beta as I continue to work on design and access of the site.
Fable started the topic Pax Nebula On Hold: 05/29/2022 (obsolete) in the forum Pax Galaxia (formerly Pax Nebula) 2 years, 9 months ago
I have decided to put Pax Nebula on hold for the immediate future. I am bust producing content and storyline for Hon’Raa. Since I can not do both at the same time and do either justice, I have chosen to work more on Hon’Raa for now. The story is much further along. I have the makings of a beginning, middle and end. I also have more…[Read more]
Fable started the topic Dangerous Seas in the forum World Development 2 years, 9 months ago
The seas of Hon’Raa are perilous places. From pirates to sirens to the terrrible sea beasts, sailors and travelers alike risk their lives when sailing to seas of Hon’Raa. Below is a concept drawing.
Fable started the topic Character Development: Syvis in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Syvis is a bad elf who, like Urgath, serves Arbane and the Grimlords. She has a twin sister named Viessa with the only distinguishing characteristic being the mark are their forehead. Syvis can shapeform into the form of a raven and can morph wings in her elvish form to fly about. Much like a succubus, Syvis, and her sister, can seduce most ot…[Read more]
Fable started the topic Character Development: Urgath in the forum Character Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Urgath is one of the henchmen of the Grimlords. He hunts any and all magical creatures in Hon’raa. His skin is stained with the blood of those he consumed and in many ways he starts the story more animal then self-aware being. His fate is changed, however, by a powerful elf name Alaxa. He binds himself to her and though they are not alwa…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic U'baan Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Another concept drawing of an Ub’aan
Fable started the topic Art Disclaimer in the forum Fables Forge Works 2 years, 9 months ago
All artwork created by Fable and presented on this and other websites are digital representations of models and actors who are above the age of majority and who can legally engage in sexually explicit scenarios on any and all published media. Fable does not produce material depicting underage models and that is never the intent of the artist to…[Read more]
Fable replied to the topic Elessar Race in the forum Race Development 2 years, 9 months ago
Another Elessar
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