The Lake Rules & Etiquette

With the eventual release of 3DX Chat on Steam and the new people that would bring to the game, I thought it a good idea to cover the rules for The Lake as well as general etiquette.


  1. Colding: There are four separate types of colds not allowed at the Lake
    • Hugging/Kissing without permission
    • Partnering without permission
    • Friending without permission
    • Inviting to private room without permission
  2. Jerking: Jerking is the act of masturbating on or around others without consent
  3. Harassment: Harassing other visitors for any reason is against the rules
  4. Soliciting: Actively promoting another room without the host/owners consent
  5. Politics / Religion: Please keep conversations about these two topics in your private chat.

All offenses above may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the Lake. It is at the room owner’s discretion as to whether the ban is enforced and its severity. To appeal to have a room ban removed, please send an email with “ban appeal” in the subject line to Please provide your 3DX user name in the email and what your offense was for the ban.


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